Case 4

63 years old patient, female, with arterial hypertension, type II. diabetes, diabetic foot syndrome (left foot), mild Alzheimer type dementia, critical limb threatening ischaemia, after amputation of gangrenous II nd and III rd finger on left foot, after endovascular revascularisation of crural arteries of left leg, despite of succesfull revascularisation with poor healing for 2 months.
At first visit in our department diagnosed with osteomyelitis of II nd and III rd metatarsal bone with MRSA infecion (directed antibiotic treatment) of bones, residual tendons and soft tissue, reamputated and heald with Vulnamin Gel from 29 th june 2023.
After only 7 days, wound bed is covered with massive granulation tissue, skin margins are trying to close the wound naturally, there are no clinical signs of infection anymore.
After only 46 days, the complete wound healing and limb salvage was achieved (14.8.2023)
Osteomyelitis of IInd and IIIrd metatarsal bone after amputation, MRSA infection of bone, tendons and soft tissue

Only 7 days after treatment with Vulnamin Gel (also 7 days after reamputation), wound bed is covered with massive granulation tissue, skin margins are trying to close the wound naturally, no clinical signs of infection anymore.

After only 46 days, the complete wound healing and limb salvage was achieved (14.8.2023)