Case Presentation

Pressure Ulcers
Dr. Emre Ozker
Acibadem Health Group
Vulnamin powder and Vulnamin cream in Pressure Ulcers
Dr Emre Ozker

Case 2

45 year
Following the surgery, pressure injury on the right trochanteric region has developed.
View the case

Case 3

78 year
Following the surgery, pressure injury on the right trochanteric region has developed.
View the case

Pearls of Clinical Case

  • The three cases were both result of COVID Pandemic from different aspects
  • They are hard to treat cases with different etiologies, underlying pathologies, age and wound location
  • Despite very difficult clinical scenarios and bone exposure in all cases, the wound healing after Vulnamin products was effective without any adverse event
  • Despite absence of any scaffold use, successful coverage of open bone structure was observed
  • Vulnamin products provides sufficient tools for different stages of wound treatment (gel-pwd-cream) as used in one of the cases
  • Mixing the Vulnamin products (cream-pwd) is an empirical method, thus needs to be confirmed with studies
  • There is no need for other sophisticated wound product-any product that provides moist wound treatment and thermal insulation is sufficient